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The Super Sonic Sparks VEX Robotics team is a small part of the Carroll County SPARKS 4-H club, and the team designs, competes, and interacts with the principles of 4-H in mind.


I pledge my head to clearer thinking - We must think as a team and brainstorm ideas to make a competitive robot. We work together on and off the field to come up with new strategies and function as a team.


My heart to greater loyalty - We use our hearts to help our community. We often allow children to drive our robots and encourage them to become involved in 4-H and robotics programs.


My hands to larger service - As a team, we like to help other teams at competitions, whether in the pits or at the field. We often stay late at competitions to help clean up an make the host's job a little easier. We have mentored many different teams in both the VEX circut as well as some First Lego League teams. We help to serve the community by refurbishing old computers for families in need with the Carroll Technology Council. We help set up, maintain, and take down the computer network for the Carroll County 4-H and FFA fair.  We help scan the fair results into the computers.


And my health to better living, for my club, my community, my country, and my world - We have made recycling cans for the Carroll County 4-H and FFA Fair and other events held at Carroll County's Agricultural Center. At the VEX World Championships, we have a chance to interact with and help teams from all around the world, learning about their culture and helping to make them feel welcome in our own country.


The 4-H motto is "To make the best better!" and as a team we are constantly trying to improve our robots, ourselves, and our community.


Many people think that the only aspect of 4-H is agricultural, but clearly robotics and 4-H are a perfect fit!


Carroll County 4-H link

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