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April 2012- 24A and 24C attended the VEX World Championship in Anaheim, California. Both robots were chosen in an alliance to compete in the elimination rounds for their division. The team won the World Championship Inspire Award.  The new game was released and the team immediately started brainstorming ideas.  We spent three days demonstrating and maintaining VEX robots at the USA Science and Engineering Festival in Washington D.C.

May 2012- Teams started building for the new game.  Team members also built VEX robots to play the Maryland State 4-H robotics challenge.  The team members were distributed across 6 teams formed by SPARKS 4-H Club to play a vertical tic tac toe game.  This activity enables the team members to mentor the club and give the club members a small taste of the teams weekly activities.

June 2012- Competed in our first competition at Dulaney High School. 24C won the Excellence award and qualified for the VEX World Championship. The team enjoyed our annual team picnic.  Some members helped demonstrate robotics, multiple days at the Smithsonan Folk Life Festival in the Maryland 4-H Robotics tent.

July 2012-  Team members and their parents spent 3 days helping set up, and run Baltimore City's Summer school Robotics Olympiad scrimmage.  Demonstrated robots at Carroll County 4-H Day at the local mall. Set up computer network for the Carroll County 4-H and FFA Fair. Worked scanning entries at the fair. Held Carroll County 4-H and FFA Fair robotics competition.  Spent the fair week giving robotics demonstrations to fair visitors.

August 2012- Team members and their parents spent 2 days helping set up and run Baltimore City's Summer School Robotics Olympiad. Our three winning teams from the Carroll County 4-H and FFA Fair robotics competition competed in the Maryland State Fair 4-H robotics competition. Our senior team came in first and won a paid trip to the National 4-H Engineering Challenge in Indiana.  Our intermediate team won first place and our junior lego team won 5th out of 11 teams.  

September 2012- Demonstrated robots one day at the Maryland State Fair.   

October 2012- Demonstrated robots at the University of Maryland College of Ag and Natural Resources Open House. Hosted and competed in the Northwest Maryland VEX Robotics Competition.  24A and 24C were Tournament Champions. 24C won Robot skills and design award. 24A won build award.

November 2012- Competed in the Battle by the Bay VEX Robotics Competition. 24C was Tournament Champion. 24Z won the middle school design award.

December 2012- Competed in the HZR Stampede VEX Robotics Competition. 24A and 24C were Tournament Champions. 24C won the Robot Skills and Design Award. Team members enjoyed a Christmas Party.

January 2013- Bionic Bayhawks invitational VEX Robotics Competition, Washington DC VEX Robotics regional

February 2013- Pennsylvania State Championship, Highland Town Middle School VEX Robotics Competition

March 2013- The team will host and competition in the VEX Robotics Mid-Atlantic Championships.

April 2013- 24A, 24C, and 24Z will attend the VEX World Championship in Anaheim, California.

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