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Host Mid-Atlantic Championship - Each year in early March, the Super Sonic Sparks have hosted the VEX Mid-Atlantic Championship (VMAC). Traveling from all over the East Coast, up to 90 teams come to compete in one of the largest and most competitive tournaments in the area.

Host scrimmages - The Super Sonic Sparks hosted an April 2012 Pre- World Championship practice scrimmage open to all teams qualified for World Championship to practice driving and strategy planning for the World Championships.

Educated kids at 4-H camp - Members of the Super Sonic Sparks team organize and run a robotics workshop at 4-H camp designed to educate campers about robotics.

USA Science and Engineering Festival- Partnered with Northrop Grumman to display VEX Robotics. Team members built six robots for the display. Members also spent two days educating the public and teaching the public how to drive robots.

Baltimore City's Summer School Robotics Olympiad- Team members and their parents spent 3 days helping set up, and run Baltimore City's Summer School Robotics Olympiad scrimmage. Weeks later,team members and their parents spent 2 days helping set up and run Baltimore City's Summer School Robotics Olympiad.

Carroll County 4-H and FFA Fair- Team members help set up and maintain the computer network for the fair. Members also scanned in entries and entered results.

Educate people at Carroll County 4-H FFA Fair - Members of the team set up a display at the Carroll County 4-H Fair where passerby can stop to drive robots while team members explain the team's mission and recent accomplishments.

Fair Day at the Mall- Members of the Super Sonic Sparks team take robots to the mall to educate the public about 4-H and robotics.

Educate people at the Maryland State Fair- Every year at the Maryland State Fair, the team sets up a field and display and allows the public to drive the robots. The team also talks to the public about robotics and 4-H.

Educate people at University of Maryland College of Agriculture Open House - The team sets up a competition field at the University of Maryland Agricultural Research Station and allows anyone interested to stop and talk with us or drive one of the many robots the team brings.

Smithsonian Folklife Festival- Members spent a few days educating the public about robotics and 4-H at the University of Maryland Extension education robotics tent.

CompuKids and Carroll Tech Council - Members of the Super Sonic Sparks team help clean and refurbish old computers for low income families. Members also give demonstrations to the Carroll County Tech Council, the organization that runs CompuKids.




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